鹿児島工業高等専門学校 National Institute of Technology



JSTS2023 開催のお知らせ

本年度もJapan Seminar on Technology for Sustainability 2023(持続可能な社会構築への貢献のための科学技術に関する日本セミナー)を開催いたします。


JSTS2023 申込について




JSTS 2023




Japan Seminar on Technology for Sustainability 2023





センテラス天文館 センテラスホール(センテラス天文館6階)
〒892-0843 鹿児島市千日町1-1



Date and Venue


From Monday, September 4, 2023 to Friday, September 8 , 2023

Venue/Broadcasting location

Centerrace TENMONKAN
1-1 Sennichi-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima, 892-0843, Japan


Take a tram from Kagoshima-Chuo station heading for “Kagoshima-ekimae” and get off at “Tenmonkan-dori” stop.


1.JSTS タイムスケジュール/Time schedule

JSTS2023 タイムスケジュール


JSTS2023  Time Schedule(For overseas students)

Online Participants

On-site Participants

2.募集要項/Application guidelines 

JSTS2023 募集要項 


JSTS2023 Application Guidelines 

(For overseas students)

3.申込書/Application form



Application form

(For overseas students)

4.提出書類/Submission form

(様式1 )提出書類

(様式2 )提出書類



Prior assignment

事前課題の例 Essay examples

  事前課題 例1 「温泉県鹿児島」

      “温泉”は日本文化の特徴の1つである。情報源によると日本は世界の全火山の7%が位置する火山国であり、水資源も豊富である。源泉の数は、アイスランドの280、中国の3,000に対して日本は27,000を超え、世界一である。鹿児島県は日本有数の温泉県であり、源泉数では2位、湧出量では3位である。鹿児島高専が位置する霧島市も有名な温泉地であり、住民も観光客も日常的に温泉を楽しんでいる。しかし、ハイシーズンには多数の観光客が訪れるため、人気温泉では数時間待たなければ入浴できないことも珍しくない。そのような状況は観光地としての市のイメージを悪化させる。加えて、観光客の多くは車で訪れるため、騒音や空気汚染などの環境問題も引き起こされる。市の観光資源が効果的に活用されていないと言える。私たちはこの状況を改善したいと望み、2つの改善案を提起した: 1つは温泉施設を増やすこと、もう1つは観光客を分散させることである。どちらがより効果的で持続可能な対策と言えるか議論して確かめたい。

Essay example #1

      “Onsen” is one of the characteristics of Japanese culture. According to sources, Japan is a volcanic country with 7% of the world’s volcanoes and is also rich in water resources. Japan has the largest number of hot springs in the world, namely more than 27,000, compared to 280 in Iceland 3,000 in China. Kagoshima Prefecture is one of the leading hot spring prefectures in Japan, ranking second in the number of hot springs and third in the total amount of water flowing out of hot springs. Kirishima City, in which Kagoshima KOSEN is located, is also a famous hot spring resort, where residents and visitors enjoy hot springs on a daily basis. However, during the high season, the city accepts too many visitors that it is not uncommon they have to wait several hours before being able to bathe in popular hot springs. Such a situation may worsen the image of the city as a tourist spot. In addition, as most visitors come by car, it causes environmental problems such as noise, air pollution, and so on. It can be said that the city’s tourism resources are not being used effectively. We strongly hope that this situation will improve. We suppose that there will be two solutions to be sought after; one is to increase the number of hot spring facilities, and the other is to distribute the visitors into larger areas. We’d like to discuss and find out which solution is more effective and sustainable.

事前課題 例2「海が豊かな鹿児島」


Essay example #2

     Kagoshima Prefecture is blessed with geographical conditions and abundant marine resources, and has a thriving seafood industry. On the other hand, the consumption of fish and shellfish all over the world has skyrocketed five-fold in the past half-century. Furthermore, from the standpoint of protecting fishery resources, we cannot easily increase fish catches. Considering population growth, environmental protection, and other factors, it is desirable that we develop new technologies for the stable supply and sustainable development of marine resources. Kinko Bay in Kagoshima is an enclosed bay which does not directly face the ocean, thus the waves are calm there and marine aquaculture is thriving.
       However, marine aquaculture involves some problems: (1) sea-farming is susceptible to natural disasters such as red tides and typhoons, (2) it is difficult to prevent diseases among the farmed fish, and (3) it can lead to marine pollution. With these problems taken into consideration, we’d like to explore the possible ways to sustainably develop the sea-farming in Kinko Bay.

Essay example #3

     Insect-based food, which has been frequently mentioned recently, is said to be highly nutritious and rich in protein, making it effective in achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Insect farming and consumption contribute to sustainable food production and consumption cycles. Moreover, insects can decompose organic waste, leading to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
      However, there are significant challenges to the widespread adoption of insect-based food. One of these challenges is the resistance and prejudice people have towards consuming insects. Personally, I have a strong aversion to insects and bugs and cannot even bear to look at them, let alone eat them. When searching for the term ‘insect food,’ I found many words like ‘insect food death’ or ‘insect food disgusting.’ Upon further investigation, I discovered that these were merely baseless rumors without concrete evidence, but the appearance and disgust associated with insects still evoke perceived disadvantages.
     Hygiene is also an important concern regarding insect-based food.
     Addressing these challenges requires collaboration with various facilities and the food industry. Additionally, proper education is crucial to eliminate prejudice against insect-based food. As an initiative to promote insect consumption, insect food vending machines have been increasing nationwide in Japan since around 2020. I hope that such positive efforts towards insect-based food can help reduce people’s resistance. I also want to consider what I can do myself for the future of humanity and the planet.

事前課題 例4 「海の豊かさを守ろう」


事前課題 例5「気候変動に具体的な対策を」 


事前課題 例6


事前課題 例7「ゴミの削減」

  SDGSの17個の目標のうち、「つくる責任、つかう責任」について考える。私たちは商品や資源を使用して、生活をしている。しかし技術の発展に伴い、世界の人々が消費する資源の量が増加している。このまま“必要以上のもの”を作り、 “必要のないもの”を消費し続ければ、地球の限られた資源がどんどん使われてしまい、最終的にはその資源が枯渇してしまう可能性が高まる。


去年の開催の様子はこちら JSTS2022